A299GrA steel plate is an important grade under ASTM standard, one class of boiler and pressure vessels. Refer to A299 Chemical composition.
A299GrA steel plate Mechanical properties, A299 is suggested that all the plates to be done ultrasonic test and PWHT for improving steel properity and safety when using in high pressure situiations in yard.
A299GrA steel plate chemical composition :
Grade | C (max) | Si (max) | Mn | P (max) | S (max) |
A 299 | 0.28-0.30 | 0.13-0.45 | 0.84 -1.62 | 0.035 | 0.035 |
A299GrA steel plate mechanical properties :
Grade | Tensile strength Rm for product thickness in mm | Upper yield stress ReH for product thickness in mm | Elongation after fracture (Lo=5 do) % min |
A 299 | 310-325 | 550-690 | 19 |
KUNFENG has A299GrA steel plate,so if you need A 299 Chemical composition,A 299 Mechanical properties,or if you want to buy A 299 steel.